Saturday, November 16, 2013

Only One Earth. Let's Recycle!

Recyclable box in my office where I work.
OK.  I know right away you can spot one of my weaknesses in the picture to the left...Diet Pepsi.  But let's focus on my message here...we only have one earth and we all need to recycle whenever we can.  My city has a recycling program which consists of two drop-off locations in town which take plastic, aluminum cans, newspaper, magazines and cardboard.  Additionally, they offer commercial pick-up of containers each week.  At home, I keep a tall kitchen trash can in our laundry room to hold recycled items during the week and outside behind our house is a large trash can with a lid that I transfer the items into on the weekends.  Eventually, that one gets taken to the recycling center closest to our house.  Several years ago I asked our city sanitation department if they could leave a recycling bin where I work.  My co-workers caught on we now have three bins there that the city picks up weekly.  The box in the photo above sits in my office and I fill it and over time will then empty the contents into the recycling bins outside.  I get a really great feeling when I drop items into a recycling bin.  I'm know I am doing my part and again, hope I am setting a good example for my kids.  So much unnecessary waste is going into our landfills that could be recycled with just a little bit of effort.  I've tried to describe my simple method for recycling.  You can figure out a plan that will work for you, but I hope you will join me in doing our part to protect our resources.  Think of your kids, grandkids and the future that is before them.  This is one thing you definitely have the power to impact.

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