Saturday, November 16, 2013

Flint River

On a beautiful Fall morning, before the football games started, my wife and I set out for the Flint River at the Newton, Georgia, landing at the end of River Trace Road.  Located nine easy miles from Camilla, Georgia, we used a nice, quiet public landing with very little activity.  The area was formerly inhabited by Creek and Muskogee Indians and artifacts have been found up and down the river through the years.  A wide concrete ramp takes you down to the water's edge.  The current here is modest and the river is wider than I anticipated after scouting it out on Google Maps.  The water is very clean and only an occasional Fall leaf floating gently past.  Gorgeous trees turning from green to shades of gold and orange lined the river.  We encountered only one other boat during our 1 1/2 trip up and back.  The reward of paddling against the current was a rather swift return to the landing.  For our spectator sport, we watched turtles on logs scurry into the water as we approached.  This trip presented a great workout for our shoulders and upper body and the scenery was breathtaking almost the entire way.

The Vitals
Gas:  Camilla - 9 miles East
Food:  A number of fast-food restaurants are located on U.S. Highway 19 in Camilla.  For local flavor, The Bistro, right downtown, is a delight.
GPS Coordinates:  31.308849,-84.334933

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