Saturday, November 30, 2013

Moultrie Bike Trail A Winner

The Tom White Linear Bike Trail is well marked
with posts and stripes at each mile.
Trains once crossed the south in the late 1800s with many tracks becoming inactive as  Eisenhower's Interstate highways began growing the trucking industry in the 1950s.  With track lying dormant, visionaries began to realize that converting the tracks to bike trails was a relatively easy proposition.  Moultrie, Georgia, had such visionaries who converted an old CSX rail bed into a 7.2 mile long path officially called the Tom White Linear Park.  After eating my bike's weight in food Thanksgiving Day, I loaded up my bike and headed up Highway 319 North to the Moultrie Airport which is at the southern end of the trail and where parking is plentiful and easy access to trail is found.  The trail is flat for most of the way with only gradual grades in spots.  The trail features a good amount of fresh asphalt and is wide enough for bikers and walkers to share the space.
Ample parking is available near
the halfway mark of the trail.

Beginning at the airport the trail offers riders a full canopy of foliage for the several miles as it parallels both the airport runway on one side and Highway 319 on the other.  One key crossing of the highway is necessary to continue the route toward downtown Moultrie.  Moving toward town offers vistas of Sunset Country Club's 18-hole golf course, while at the five mile mark a large parking lot is a featured spot for those would rather park there and venture out on a short route in either direction.  One reward of making it all the way to its northern terminus at West Central Avenue and 1st Street NW, is downtown Moultrie is just a few easy blocks away...(hint...FOOD!).  I can personally recommend The Blue Sky Grill for a delicious meal with local flavor.  

I especially recommend this trail for families as the route can split up into two separate sections which takes crossing Highway 319 out of the picture.  One of my favorite parts of starting at the airport is the great FBO by the Allan Mathis family.  Clean, friendly and always ready with a smile, it's just a pleasure to begin there.
The Vitals

Gas:  Available at entry points all along the route.
Food:  Convenience stores dot the route as well restaurants downtown near the northern terminus of the trail.

GPS Coordinates:  31.086642,-83.808332

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