Saturday, November 16, 2013

Controlling Litter

A garbage bag full of litter picked up on my street.
As written in the description of my blog, I am very interested in the conservation of nature.  I am so fortunate, in my opinion, to live in south Georgia on my property which covers a whopping .83 of an acre.  We do have woods on two sides of our property, great neighbors on another and the view out our front door is a beautiful one of a 40 acre pasture and pond...all just 3/4 mile from a Wendys!  As long as I can remember, I have always been troubled by litter.  I have never been able to figure out why someone would throw trash out of their vehicle.  It is irresponsible and someone who does this is just plain selfish.  I'll get off of my soapbox now and tell you that I try to pick up litter on our street four or five times a year.  In between that, we are fortunate to have trustees from our county prison come through and pick it up.  On a recent litter patrol I filled a garbage bag with a variety of litter.  I don't think I'll ever be able to convince someone who litters to not do it, but I like to think I am setting a good example for my wife, daughters and those who ride by while I am walking the ditches with the bag and reacher in my hand.

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